Wednesday, October 14, 2009


So I was reading my previous post... and I realized how depressing it was. WHAT AN EMO POST. HAHAHAHA. Oh, Jane B.
How fickle people are. I'm so led by my emotions... it's so blinding.

Some things I'm just missing at the moment...

1. Friends MY age. Freak. I barely have any. They've all left me! :( I miss hanging out with peers my own age. ALL BY MYSELLLFFFFFFFFFFFF.

2. LONG HAIR. I've probably said this a million times already, but I cannot get over it. I stinkin'. miss. long. hair.

3. Time. I miss having an open schedule to hang out with people or do my own thang. School makes me so dang busy. Plus Promiseland. It's a good and bad thing for me... But it WOULD be nice to have some extra time during the weeks.

4. Youth Group! I miss thee! I miss praise team! I miss it alllll ahhhh.

5. The Valley. I hate living in LA, goodnesss. The traffic, people, Ktown, illegal immigrants looking for work, pollution, crazies... It's a mad world here.

I like to complain. I like to whine.

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