I love this painting by Gustav Klimt. It's beautiful. And it has nothing to do with the fact that it was in the drama Stairway to Heaven. Nope.
Speaking of Korean dramas... they really are from the devil hisself.
Even in the span of 10 minutes... you're sucked in. Oh ho ho... no turning back after one stinkin' episode. When I think about it... I watched Choi Ji Woo sob onscreen for 4 minutes... and I didn't realize that I basically watched someone cry... with background music for that long. It's really kind of ridiculous. 4 minutes... What could I have done in 4 minutes?
- Make a smoothie.
- Pee
- Play a game of Scramble
- Catch up on a food blog
Hm. Interesting.
So, I'm thinking about getting another membership to a gym... I really used to enjoy running around outdoors (as you all know by now because you obviously read the RAD post)... but I can't help this paranoia I have of sleazy guys checking me out as I run. Now, I'm not saying that all guys check me out or that I'm someone worthy OF checking out... It's just that I've had my share of gross strangers and those experiences have pretty much traumatized me. I'm realllyyyyyyyyy suspicious of unfamiliar men in public now. It's pretty sketchy in gyms, too. I remember old guys drooling over the young ladies ALL the time... Gross. But I feel safer indoors than out.
Worst experience yet occurred in the LA Fitness across Galleria...
I remember being on a machine working out my biceps while talking with a friend... and then a man approaches me kneeling down in front of me...
Guy: (Sticking out his business card) Hey... I was just watching you across the room, and I wanted to give you my card if you wanted to call me sometime.
Me: .................. Do... Do you know how old I am?
Guy: Well.. no. I can tell you're pretty young... But my previous girlfriend was 19 and blah blah blah asjdfl;jaes;ifjsljdfk.....
Me: ........... I'm 15.
Guy: Oh... well... you looked older. Blah blah blah blah... (ends with a wink).
Words cannot describe how disgusted I felt afterwards.. I hid in the locker room until my mom picked me up. I feel like punching a guy if he winks at me now. I also refuse to wear body hugging, tight workout clothing. Everything I wear has to hang loose on me. The least attention I draw to myself, the better.
Guys are ddong shekkis.
Er... okay. I'm not sure how to end this post.
End post.